Wednesday, 21 November 2012

keep quiet and continue reading


Since cuti ni aku tak tau nak buat apa so I just sitting with my laptop then google here and there, facebooking, twittering and blogwalking. Oh ahh BLOGWALKING ! I love read.
Sometimes bila aku tengah tangkap layan baca entry tiba-tiba

“So this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you, saying I'm sorry for that night
And I go back to December all the time
It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I go back to December, turn around and make it alright
I go back to December all the time”

Yahh, I know this’s taylor swift’ song. Ahaa, aku tengah baca pasal 25 rasul tetiba back to December. Macam mana tu?  ahaha it’s not cool guys. Baru feeling nak insaf kot. I just want to share my minor opinion. I don’t think that when you put a song in your blog satu tindakan yang bagus but but but if you guys nak letak jugak just put kotak lagu tu yang ada button untuk stop that song. Sometime lagu tu tak sesuai dengan entry yang sedang di baca.

Nak dijadikan cerita, dulu aku pun pernah letak lagu and etc yang berlungguk-lungguk dalam blog sampai nak loading saja kena tunggu berjam-jam. Then, bila tengah blogwalking terjumpa satu entry yang tegur new blogger pasal lagu jugak. After that aku terus buang lagu dalam blog and now bila aku baca entry orang then tiba-tiba ada lagu rasa bengang gila. Hilang mood nak baca. Kehkeh. Baru aku rasa macam mana orang yang baca blog aku dulu..

Chill guys. Tu satu pendapat sahaja. If ada salah silap harap dimaafkan. I just wanna share my opinion. it's up to you whether you want to accept my opinion or not. Sharing is caring right. Peace and assalamualaikum :p


Bro Dek'cot said...

heheh..tau takper..we need privacy & even calmness bila nak baca..btl la lagu tuh hiburan tp bila dh mengganggu..close tab la jwbnya..folo la apih kalo sudi :p

ikha Miyaichi said...

agak la kan.. hehe btw thanks for da comment ! :)